The scope of the demonstration experiment of the car sharing project "Keihanna NAISMoN" has been expanded

June 20, 2023

The verification experiment scope of the “Keihanna NAISMoN” car-sharing project, primarily conducted by the Software Engineering Laboratory, has been expanded. In line with this expansion, Professor Matsumoto held a joint press conference with ATR (Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International).

Until now, the service was limited to the use of NAIST students and staff. Starting from May 2023, employees of ATR, Keihanna Corporation, and KRI have also become new users. Furthermore, with the installation of parking lots with charging facilities within the ATR premises, it is now possible to freely borrow and return vehicles at three locations: within the university, in front of the Gakken Nara Tomigaoka Station, and at ATR.