投稿者 SE Lab June 30, 2024
本研究室のRaula准教授がソフトウェア工学のトップカンファレンスであるSERA 2024 (22nd IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Management and Applications)で講演を行いました.
Supatsara Wattanakriengkrai, Christoph Treude, Raula Gaikovina Kula
“Contributing Back to the Ecosystem: A User Survey of NPM Developers”. A survey of 49 developers in the NPM ecosystem reveals a preference for maintaining their own packages over contributing to the ecosystem, highlighting sustainability concerns for third-party OSS libraries and suggesting a need for tools and research to support these ecosystems.
Vittunyuta Maeprasart, Ali Ouni, Raula Gaikovina Kula
“Drop it All or Pick it Up? How Developers Responded to the Log4JShell Vulnerability”. A study of 53 Maven projects affected by the Log4JShell vulnerability reveals that developers typically respond within 5 to 6 days without dropping other activities, instead increasing overall activity and focusing on information sharing, suggesting a need for new support tools and best practices for efficient vulnerability fixing.
アメリカ ホノルル州